Peasley Middle School Athletic Booster Club
The purpose of the Peasley Middle School Athletics Booster Club is to provide financial support for athletic activities at Peasley Middle School. The Athletic Booster Club members encourage physical fitness, education, good sportsmanship, character development, and safety in middle school athletics at Peasley Middle School. The vision of the club is to create an environment that produces the best athletes, teams, coaches, and fans. It is the clubs mission to support Peasley Middle School athletics by providing human, material, and financial resources for each athletic team that represents Peasley Middle School. The Peasley Middle School Principal will be apprised, as necessary, of all club activities.
The club has three primary goals:
Raise money for all school athletic teams.
Promote participation at school sporting events amongst students, parents, coaches, faculty, and the community.
Boost spirit and enthusiasm for all athletic activities.
Use the QR code below to access the Membership Form: